Saturday, October 12, 2019

Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners Essay -- Instruction

English Language Learners (ELL) require appropriate education in the English language. Reading, writing, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar are important for an ELL student to learn. Educators should use individualized lesson plans that will cater to each student’s abilities and knowledge of the secondary language. An ELL classroom is formed with students who do not have the capability to speak or read English fluently. These students are unable to participate in a mainstream classroom without some type of help. The ELL classroom will give students more time to practice English. Comprehensible Input Comprehensible input is academic learning messages. An ELL student must participate if they want to learn the material. Krashen has five hypotheses for the acquisition of a second language. These hypotheses are: â€Å"acquisition learning, comprehensible input, monitor, affective filter, and natural order† (Krashen, 1981). Comprehensible input uses appropriate speech and clear explanation of tasks students need to accomplish during the school day. Students must be able to understand what is expected of them before they are able to complete the lesson or task. Comprehensible input will â€Å"be made meaningful when the speaker uses visual supports, nonverbal gestures, paraverbal support (whispers, sighs), graphic organizers, and realia (real objects that students can see) that focus learners on the concrete here and now† (Faltis, 2008). Visual aids are very beneficial for clarifying vocabulary terms to ELL students. On-Going, Specific, and Immediate Feedback Feedback is critical it must be given immediately to assist with the education. There are many types of feedback: direct, explicit written, individual conferences, di... ...4300068&v=2.1&u=canyonuniv&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w&authCount=1. Krashen, S. D. (1981) Second language acquisition and second language learning. Retrieved December 29, 2011, from Web Morse, R., & Teyechea, N. (n.d.). Instructional strategies for ELL classrooms. Retrieved December 29, 2011, from Web McCall, J. (2005) Building Concepts and Vocabulary Before Reading. Retrieved December 29, 2011, from Web Mustfa, N. (2002) Grouping in the ESL Classroom. Retrieved December 29, 2011, from Web Rothenberg, C., & Fisher, D. (2007). Teaching English Language Learners: A Differentiated Approach. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

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